Hello, Fellow Administrators!!!
It’s August and time to get ready for another school year. I know you’re all focused on master schedules, new initiatives, and overall school improvement but what about your teachers? You know those little things that can make or break an administrator in the eyes of the staff. Well, I’ve surveyed a few teachers from all over on things they wished administrators would do to really set teachers up for a successful school year. Here are the top 5 answers!
1. Respect their Time
Yep, you’ve heard it before and even said it before but how often do we actually do it! We must be better at not only starting things on time but actually ending them on time. Value your staff by valuing their time. Be on time for things and don’t subconsciously make people stay late. I know there are things that need to be done but it’s not fair to punish your staff for your tardiness. Sadly this one-time inconvenience becomes habit far too often.
2. Be Present
Yes, teachers actually like to have you visit their classrooms! Visit often so it becomes the norm for everyone. How can you truly have a grasp on instruction and what’s going on the classroom if you’re never there? Go in and stay awhile, lend a hand, co-teach, interact with your students. Remeber they are YOUR students too and they want to learn from you also! If you’ve been out of the trenches for a while this type of regular interaction is key. This goes for community events also. Be present in the community you serve. Let them see you outside of your office. Make it a goal to not only say “good morning” to every student but to every staff member also!
3. Clear Communication
Be courteous and try to respond to every email promptly. No matter how trivial it is please try to provide a prompt response to all your staff members. Think of it this way if you expect the same type of respect then you must model this for teachers. When communicating don’t make assumptions. Provide as many details as possible and always follow up after a conversation to reiterate your key points. This practice will often work in your favor if there is ever a need for evidence of communication. Always keep your audience in mind and try to think about things from their perspective. This will help clear up any confusion before it happens.
4. Encourage Connections
Build those personal connections with staff. Have team building activities often, highlight staff members, and celebrate them. Unity is something that can’t be forced so encourage it by demonstrating it. Participate in everything, from spirit week to 100th-day activities. Have staff social events or outings. Remember if you provide the opportunity the connections will happen organically.
5. Support and Advocate
Have your teachers back! Remember you cannot truly support students without support teachers first. Check on them and don’t forget to thank them. Be their voice when you are providing feedback to your central offices. Never bad mouth a teacher especially in front of a parent or other staff member. Don’t even think about doing it in front of the students! It’s unprofessional and will always come back to bite you. When shopping around or speaking to new vendors always ask for something free for your teachers. You’d be surprised at the type of things they sponsor!
Ok, there you have it! Top 5 Best Practices for Administrators from Teachers! Thank you for reading and please keep these in mind as you embark on a new school year! If you enjoyed this or have something you’ed like to add leave a comment below! Please subscribe to stay current and follow me on all social networks!

You hit the nail on the head with this post. As a teacher, I want all of these things from my administrators. When my administrators have not demonstrated these practices, I found myself not trusting them and felt the climate of the relationships in the building get worse. Great post!
Thanks for reading!