Hey Great Minds!
I am super excited to share with you FIRST exclusive details about the new features added to Class Dojo today! That’s right as of today you will be able to do some new things on ClassDojo! If you are unfamiliar with ClassDojo it is a digital point system that teachers can use to monitor student behaviors. It is accessible online and via mobile app! Oh yeah, and its absolutely FREE! This is a must have tool for teachers of all grade levels! It provides real data and an opportunity for collaboration among teachers and parents! If you want more info on ClassDojo click here to get to their website or join me later on periscope for a live demo and Q&A on ClassDojo. Just download the Periscope app and make sure to follow me @greatmindsteach and you will get an alert when I go live!
Groups, Yay!!!! How many times have you had students working in groups and one group really stood out? Then you had to go in and individually select each student and then give them their Dojo point. Well no more! (Unless you want to LOL) Now you can create groups within your classes on ClassDojo! Yes, really groups! This means you can make table groups, reading groups, house teams, project groups or whatever cooperative group your little teacher heart desires and give Dojo Points to them! This new feature will be super useful for me and my colleagues! I share my class with our P.E. teacher and he groups them into teams all the time. Now he can also reinforce teamwork and positive behavior with my students by letting them earn team points also. I can also gather some useful data on how well students are working with each other and hold students accountable when they choose their own groups!
Each group will keep its own running total. This will promote accountability and a sense of accomplishment in students. Group points will still show up on student profiles alongside their individual points. Students and parents will be able to see their progress from home without any extra work. ClassDojo Groups will work and sync across any iOS/Android device and any computer. I am so excited to get started with using the groups feature this school year. Click here to learn more about ClassDojo Groups.
Thank you so much for reading! Please make sure you are following me on all social media sites by clicking the links above. ClassDojo is not done yet they will be rolling out more new features in weeks to come and as a ClassDojo Ambassador I’ve got the inside scoop and will keep you informed on how to use it! Don’t forget to follow me on Periscope I will be doing a live broadcast on Classdojo! I’ll demo their new groups feature as well as answer any questions on how I use ClassDojo in my classroom! You don’t want to miss it so make sure you are following me @greatmindsteach so you get an alert when I go live!
Periscope Broadcast
If you missed it live you can watch my broadcast here! There is a short delay in the beginning with sound and please excuse the alerts from my phone. In order to keep the Periscope comments showing up I have to record it his way… Thanks for watching!
Giveaway Time!
Enter the rafflecoppter below for your chance to win one of 5 ClassDojo swag bags! I’ll also be giving one away during my Periscope broadcast so be sure to tune in!

This is so exciting!!!! I LOVE that we can now use group points! I am so excited!
I’m SO excited to start using class dojo in a few weeks!!
I am super excited to use the group point feature! I have always given out group points, but I have just used tally marks on the board. The kids are going to love this too 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!!
I am looking forward to all of the new features! Thank you!
Great post! Very informative! I can’t wait to learn more and share with my teachers.
I love CD. I can’t wait to try this new feature!
I love Class Dojo because it is easy to keep track of points for my multiple classes!
I used CD for the first time last year and fell in love!! Love the sound effects alerting students immediately so they quickly get themselves together. Also the interaction with parents was awesome!!
Thanks for the post! I love Class Dojo and this was good info!
I love Class Dojo! I am so excited about using the group feature this year.
So excited to start the new school year with Class Dojo! Thank you for working so hard to make our teacher hearts happy!
This is amazing! I absolutely love class dojo but I never even thought of group points! I can’t wait to use them with my country table groups this year!
That’s great news, I have my kids divided into groups and it will much easier than having to give points individually each time. Can’t wait 😀
LOVE ClassDoJo!
This is great! Can’t wait to use table points!
Great idea! Love yo hear how so many use dojo! The first thing my kids ask when they walk into my room is “are dojo’ support and running?” Sure does make classroom management easier!!!!
Really great post! Groups are Dojolicious!
Great post! Groups are Dojolicious!
Pretty exciting!
I am excited to play around with the new group feature and see how I can use it in my classroom!
Great news on the groups! Been a long time coming!
I love Classdojo and am also excited for the group option!
Never used Class Dojo, but I hear is awesome!
Been using Dojo for a couple of years…, grouping will make it a lot easier 🙂
This is great! I used to create groups separately from my class for Daily 5 behavior management. I am excited to try this new feature! Thank you for sharing!
Never used ClassDojo, but I hear is a great resource!
This is great! I always give points for teamwork. This will make it so much easier!!
Thank you so much! I used Class DoJo last year and love looking for new ideas to incorporate this in my classes!!
Class dojo is so motivational for my little ones and I love the immediate feedback it gives to the parents! I receive messages almost instantly from parents with questions or concerns. I had some little ones that would go home and change their avatars every week and we’re so excited to see their classmates’surprise to see it the next day! I’m looking forward to using this as my class theme this year too:-)
I’m really excited about the option to give group points now!! Woo hoo!!
As a first year teacher I can’t wait to implement Class Dojo! I’ve messed around with it a bit and love it so far!
Love me some DOJO!
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
The group point feature is awesome! Thank you for adding it! 🙂
Thank you for adding group points!
The group feature will work great during station/center time for management. Yippee!! I cannot wait to try it out in a few weeks.
I love Dojo because you can have it with you anywhere you are with your students and no matter where they go (PE, lunch, etc) they can still be monitored and earning points 🙂
I love Class Dojo because it holds students accountable for their actions and rewards positive behavior. I love the messaging feature, especially being able to send a picture to parents of a student “caught being awesome”.
Love using Class Dojo! Thanks for the updates!!
I love Class Dojo because it makes it easy to communicate with parents!
I love Class Dojo because it saves me time and keeps me connected with parents. My parents also love it!
I used Class Dojo this past year in my Grade 2/3 class. I found that I was able to really reinforce positive behaviours with this program. The students were obsessed with how many points they had. I will use it again in September!
I can’t wait to talk about @ClassDojo at #BLUE2 when I present on Monday! They are going to LOVE the new group feature!
I’ve used class dojo for the last 2 years with my 1st graders. I actually created a 2nd mock class just so I could give table points. I love that I can do this now so parents can see the points students earn as a group
I love to use class dojo with my students. I also like how it helps to increase communication with parents!
Did I miss the periscope? I just joined periscope today to see all the cool things teachers are sharing. I’ve been a fan of classdojo for years!
Nope I’ll be live soon!
Awesome blog! I also enjoyed the Periscope. I’m planning to implement Class Dojo this upcoming school year!
I love how excited my kids got about their little dojo monsters and customizing them!
My fingers tired from all the heart tapping 🙂 I’m excited to give this a try!
I loved your periscope about groups! I can’t wait to use in my classroom. Sadly it closed during the broadcast and reset my heart count but I am so excited for more scopes about news changes! Thanks so much!
Very excited to try this again with the clip behavior chart!
I love class dojo! I did a quick demo at my school and got others using it. It is such an awesome tool.
I am excited about this feature. Class dojo has really changed my classroom.
I love Class Dojo because my kids love it and it is so easy to use!
Classdojo helped me turn a very difficult class around. I took over a class after Christmas that needed structure and consistency. Classdojo was the answer.
Used in past but see a lot that is new so will try again this year! Excited about the new stuff!
I love Classdojo because my kids love it and I love it it! It’s so easy to use and it reinforces positive behavior! What’s not to love?!
I was just evaluating Class Dojo, as well and I thought you might want to know that your post was mentioned at http://thirdgraderesources.com/can-the-classroom-dojo-android-app-for-teachers-get-your-class-into-shape/ .
Thanks so much!
I love class dojo its the best