Super excited to participate in my first Five for Friday post! Since we are all winding down our summer breaks and preparing to start another school year. Here are a few things to think about as you prepare for your pupils! (LOL pupil is such a funny word to me)
This week I did a huge classroom haul. As I move into tenure status I decided to fully commit to a classroom theme. I normally just try to stick to a color scheme. I am one of those teachers that indulge my classroom walls with content posters, anything that will help my kids retain information. Well in lieu of the PARCC exam coming we can’t have any of those posters displayed so why not go all out with a themed classroom decor. Make sure you are following my blog so that you don’t miss the big reveal post when I’m done. If you need some inspiration for your own room check out my Pinterest board here on classroom decor. I’ll tell where I shopped at point 5. Can you guess my theme?
I just discovered where it pays to shop online LITERALLY! So if you are like me and do any online shopping you should check it out! It is basically a hub for zillions of retailers that giving customers addition discounts for shopping on line. Teachers are always looking for painless ways to save money; here is one way to earn money too! Every time you spend you get cash back and every quarter you will receive a check in the mail. So the more you shop the more you make! The site is loaded with some great retailers so check it out! Click the image below to sign up.
Back to School is around the corner and I want to remind all of you to take the time to get some REST and RELAXATION before the stresses of school take over. Since I’m on number 3 here are 3 things I do for R&R before school starts.
- Sleep
- Get a Full Body Massage
- Moderate Exercise to loosen up those muscles
Ever feel like you need a refresher or a quick read to get your mojo back? Well have I got the book for you. Why Didn’t I Learn This in College by Paula Rutherford is a great resource for teachers to have on their shelf. It is packed with great strategies and ideas to try in the classroom. One really great thing about this book is that it covers everything from creating a positive learning environment to working with parents and absolutely everything you can think of in between. This easy to read resource is great for newbies and veteran teachers so get your copy today!
Here are my top 5 favorite stores to shop at for school stuff. If you don’t have one in your area please check them out on line. They all sell school supplies and great finds for your classroom decor. They all have some sort of teacher saving program whether a teacher discount given at the register or a teacher appreciate promotion that gives teachers good deals. Make sure you follow me on ALL my social media pages I usually link info on there sales or promotions to those pages. And yes I did pay all 5 of them a visit this week!
Thanks for reading and your “teach away” is make the best of your time before you have to get back to the grind!!! LOL