Hey Great Minds!
I am so excited to share with you another one of my favorite tools to use in the classroom! Do you remember SchoolHouse Rock from way back when, that used to music to help kids grasp concepts in education? Flocabulary is a modern version of that but it gives teachers so much more! Flocabulary is going revolutionize your classroom by providing Educational Hip-Hop videos that match the content you are teaching! That’s right a library of hundreds of videos that are directly linked to the Common Core State Standards. Don’t believe me just watch! ; )
Flocabulary has CCSS aligned content that covers all K-12 core subjects. Click here for detailed list of concepts covered. Not only great content rich videos but they also have great ready to use teaching materials to along with each video. Then activities, quizzes and games really engage your students. 96% of teachers that use Flocabualry at least once a week in the classroom believe that student participation, focus, and engagement are increased with Flocababulry. Students will work harder and show an increase in achievement and information retention. Even if you only start a lesson or unit with one of Flocabaulry’s videos you have already enriched your content. You are providing students with valuable information as well as getting them excited about learning. I’ve used flocabualry for years and it is a favorite of my students. Trust me they have a set of videos for you!
Flocabulary latest addition is The Week in Rap Junior! It covers age appropriate current events each week that tie into science and social studies perfectly. This really connects your students to the world globally. I use The Week in Rap videos weekly with my 4th graders. They love the information and I love the discussion I can get them with the writing activities Flocabulary provide. We focus on the content presented in the video all week and have an assessment Friday. (proved by flocabulary also) The teaching materials are great and the students really enjoy doing them. I love when parents tell me how surprised they are when their student knows so much about whats going on in the world. Here is one below!
If you haven’t tried Flocabulary yet my gift to you is a 45 day free trial of Flocabulary! I know you and your students will love teaching and learning with Flocabulary. Please leave me a comment below telling me how much you love Flowing with Flocabulary in your classroom! Click the image below to get started today! Your ” TEACH AWAY ” is to engage your student in a way that they can relate to! Enjoy!

I would LOVE to try this out! Your post came up on my facebook and I’m intrigued.