Last season I became quite the fan of American Horror Story. This season’s Freak Show is very disturbing. I love the Historical aspect of it with a even more twisted plot. Check it out beware this season is scarier than last season.
After a 20 long days the strike is finally over! So glad I will be able to see my students on Monday! This whole ordeal took me on an emotional roller coaster. Check out my post about the strike here.
My loving dog Sasha has a small lump on her neck. It started of as a bump years ago, but I am afraid it is getting bigger. I think it might be a tumor. She is 7 years old and been with me since she was 6 weeks old. She is still her normal self very sassy and full of life. As she cuddles up with me and I give her a good rub I am reminded of it…
I could definitely use some retail therapy! After all the stress this would really do me some good. I see some boots, a bag, maybe a scarf, and some jewelry in my future!
I am working on blog post about Parent Teacher Conferences. This post is kind of long but loaded with some good information and a new product. It should be up this week so make sure you come back and check it out!
Finishing up with T.D. Jakes Instinct. It is a great read that will definitely empower you. It is a self help book for goal driven people that have a entrepreneur spirit. You should definitely get your copy today. Find yours here.

Hi Tasia,
I found you through Farley’s Currently link up. I can’t believe that the schools have been on strike 20 days and you haven’t seen your students. I bet everyone will be glad to be reunited tomorrow! Hope you have a great day back with your kiddos!
Team V’s Second Grade Fun
Sorry to hear about your dog – 7 years is a long time to build a loving relationship. Can’t beat those animal companions!!
Glad to hear your strike is over…that sounds like a crazy roller coaster. Education is so mixed-up these days. Just read an article about a NY teacher suing her district for an “ineffective rating” – so scary what is happening. I just have to pray about it, because really it’s out of my control.
I saw some really good deals on scarves on – on-line retail therapy! Have fun on your shopping adventures.
Hi Tasia! Do you remember my daughter, Hillary and me from Vegas? I remember you! I’m doing Farley’s Currently and found you again. 🙂 I love your blog posts about the teaching profession as you reflected during the strike. That must’ve been so hard but good for you! Your passion for teaching is evident! Have a great week!
Heather from Mrs. Renz’ 4th Grade Class
Hey there! Thanks so much for stoping by, and yes I remember you! Thanks for your kind words and take care!
I found you through Farley’s Currently Link Up. Glad that the strike is over and you get to see your students tomorrow. It will be a nice reunion for everyone. I remember our strike in Hawaii some years back…it was hard on everyone! I hope your sweet Sasha will be okay…I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with your fall shopping 🙂 Have a great day back at work with your students.
I’m glad to hear that the strike is over for your district! I’m with you on the retail therapy. I have had my own set of horrors to go through this month. I think a little shopping is exactly what I need.
Love your blog! (And am so happy for you that the strike is over!) I just nominated you for the Liebster Award. 🙂