So excited to be linking my first CURRENTLY post from Farley over at Oh’ Boy 3rd Grade! Let the party begin!
Sunday Best is one of my favorite singing competition shows! I love Gospel music so this show gives me an opportunity to see some of my favorite gospel artists and hear some of my favorite songs! Think American Idol goes to church! You should definitely check out next season or catch the reruns on BET!
My family! I had an awesome weekend with family! My aunt and uncle and little cousin came up from Georgia to visit. We had a great time and great food! We even made it downtown for some world famous Garrets Popcorn order yours here. If you ever make it to my neck of the woods you must have Mike’s Pizza, and Ming Toy (Chinese food)! We actually had both for dinner the other night. Sounds horrible but you have not lived until you had these local favorites!
What should my next TPT product be? I’ve gotten the hang of making things but now that the back to school rush is over I need to work on some content area things… I’m surprised at how much I enjoy creating products to sell and at how long good products take to make but enjoy it nonetheless! Check out a few of my creations by clicking the products tab or going directly to my store here.
6 iPad minis for my students to use in our classroom. I use Donors Choose to get iPads. I got 2 last year and I have a project up now to get 2 more! I have 9 donors so far and have got a lot of it funded but still have a ways to go. Click here if you’d like to support my project by donating.
To find my blogging rhythm! It has been a strenuous task to fit in blogging regularly since school has started. I haven’t even been able to do my classroom reveal post yet because I’ve been so busy! I have a notebook full of blogging ides but I am also a perfectionists. So I can’t just post something without great photos or good details to go along with it! Do you blogging vets have any tips or advice of a newbie like myself?
So my big flirty 30 Birthday is coming up and I’d love to do a girls trip to Jamaica! I have never been before and I think I absolutely deserve and trip to paradise! Besides, what better way to say farewell to my twenties and welcome this new decade of adventures and experiences! I’ve always wanted to go on a safari in Africa so that I can see all the animals in their natural habitat and experience the adrenaline rush of only open space opportunity between you and them! Definitely on my bucket list, well I like Ellen’s’ Life List better. I also want to visit New Orleans. A few family members went there this weekend as they prepared to board their 7 day cruise… (So Jealous) Anyway I’ve always wanted to go the Essence Festival I am going to try and make that happen too.
Well I guess that’s it! Thanks so much for reading, your “teach away” from this post is self reflection is therapeutic. Always take a moment to reflect on what your doing and where you are going in life and in school!

Hi! I love your trip picks! They sound so relaxing and I need some of that in my life right now. Keeping up with a blog is a lot of hard work, isn’t it? Just write about what you enjoy and don’t overwhelm yourself with too many “posed” pictures. You’ll enjoy blogging more and won’t get hung up on the pressure to look like everyone else. Hopefully, people will come back for your voice and your insights. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day!
Thanks for the great advice!
Well done to you for blogging and making products. I have been reading blogs and attempting to blog for 2 years, but I find that I run out of time. I love your trip choices. Jamaica and New Orleans would be great, all the vibrant culture. I went to South Africa a few years ago and went on safari, it was definitely an amazing experience. If you ever get a chance I would definitely say do it!
I will have to look up that show!! That sounds amazing!! I love American Idol, but I love tons of Christian music too!! I can’t wait to find it and add it to my DVR!! Thank you!! I am a food lover too, and I will totally go to two different places for dinner with you!!
Mrs. 3rd Grade
I found you on the Currently link up list. I’m from Literacy Loving Gals. 🙂 Love your blog name and am glad to touch base with another Illinois blogger. I know what it’s like to want a Donors Choose project to be funded, but don’t fret. It’ll happen, as it did with me! Good luck and have a great week!
Glad you found me! There is a midwest blogger meet up happening soon hope to see you there!
We sound very similar about being organized and planning out each detail. I created a Blogging Organizer so I can plan out my posts. You can read about that here:
Hopefully that can help you a bit. Enjoy your week!
The Positive Teacher
Ok wow! Thanks I’ll check it out!